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Amazing Stories of Healing from Love Feels Better Clients 

Happily Married — Candice


I kept trying to be ok with what wasn’t ok. I kept praying that God would fix things. I kept thinking it was me. I thought, if I just didn’t say or do anything ‘wrong’ then he wouldn’t get angry. I was so stressed out even going to bed at night. Walking on pins and needles was exhausting. Things would blow up and then they would be ok…for a while.

Shari helped me see that I couldn’t control what he did. It wasn’t me and that I didn’t have the power or ability to make him feel anything. It wasn’t my job to make him happy. That’s his job. My job was to take care of me and love myself enough to not put up with his outbursts anymore.

I’ve always been a people pleaser and I still loved him. I didn’t know what I would do out on my own, I was scared but I was tired of living this way. Shari helped me see the only way things were going to change was if I took the first step but before I drew a hard line in the sand I needed to be prepared for it to go either way. It was a process to get to this point but I knew for my sake and our kids’ sake, this could not continue.

When I talked to my husband I was calm and told him what I was going to do and that THIS marriage was over-either he got help or I was leaving.  He knew I wasn’t playing games.

After thinking about it for a few days he started meeting with Shari. He felt so comfortable talking with her and looked forward to their sessions. I could see a shift in him right away and our home is way more peaceful and fun. Please don’t wait to get coaching! 

Happily Divorced — Danielle


I was separated for the 3rd time in my 14-year marriage when I met Shari. I was successful in my career and every other area of my life, but this relationship thing sucked.

I never felt Shari judged me nor did she have an agenda for me to stay or go (like family and friends often do). She held space for me to discover my own answers. I could now see how I was creating my results and that I don’t have the power to change anyone but me. I saw how I had been staying out of guilt, pity, and obligation–not love. I was tired of putting my life on hold and waiting.  I decided to set him free to be him and I set myself free to be me.

Making that decision was like a huge weight off my shoulders.  When I filed for divorce I was fair and reasonable. I wasn’t feeling angry, resentful, or vindictive. It was quick, uncontested and we didn’t waste a ton of money on attorney fees. That marriage is ‘complete’ as Shari puts it.

I know it was the best decision for me and I have no regrets. I am happy to be single and start this next chapter of my life.

Happily Reunited — Kelly


When I met Shari my husband had just kicked me out of our house and got a no-contact order.  I didn’t even get to spend Christmas with my kids a few weeks later.

I was devastated, hurt, angry, desperate, and scared. I had been miserable in our marriage for a long time but I still loved him (and hated him a little too).  We were both tired of the fighting and we blamed each other a lot.  It couldn’t go on like it was. He just took the first step to change things.  

In my heart was a wall I had built to protect myself from rejection and abandonment.  I was proud of my bad-assery, but inside I was so insecure. I wanted him to make me feel loved, secure, attractive, etc. and yet it was never enough. 

He filed for divorce and the date was set. Then he moved another woman into our house with our kids! I thought I would die my heart hurt so bad. But with God’s help and Shari’s voice I was able to find a place of peace and love and forgiveness for them. I didn’t lash out or react like the old me would have.  Not that I was perfect, but I am so proud of how I was able to handle that.  

Then God told me to release him but I just couldn’t!  I still loved him and I believed he still loved me. I wanted my family back together. I had changed so much but I couldn’t even tell him or show him because he wasn’t open to it. 

Shari helped me realized that I could truly be happy with or without him and when I knew that was true, I opened my heart and let him go. 

Then the craziest thing happened. Within a day or so he called me and said, “I want to talk.” Long story short–we are back together and doing great!!  I will forever be grateful to God for bringing Shari into my life to guide me through that time.  

When I talked to my husband I was calm and told him what I was going to do and that THIS marriage was over-either he got help or I was leaving.  He knew I wasn’t playing games.

After thinking about it for a few days he started meeting with Shari. He felt so comfortable talking with her and looked forward to their sessions. I could see a shift in him right away and our home is way more peaceful and fun. Please don’t wait to get coaching!

Happily Married — Linda


Friends had told me for years I should leave him. He ignored me, he was kind of a slob, he didn’t take care of the house the way a homeowner should, he rarely spent time with me.  We were like roommates. He was not interested in going to counseling at all.

Shari recommended I seriously consider leaving; play the whole movie-not just the highlights.  I had never allowed myself to think about it because after my first divorce I was never going to do that again come hell or high water.  But the thought of leaving was not what I wanted either. I could stay and be miserable or I could change the way I was thinking, feeling, and acting.

I had gotten fixated on his flaws and it was all I could see.  I usually felt irritated and judgmental and would often try to help him be better. He wasn’t having any of it! I started to just let Bob be Bob because trying to change him had never worked. I started to look at him with new eyes and my heart began to soften and his did too.

He started to join me for meals, he planned some dates, he seemed to start caring if I was around. My thinking and feelings changed first then he changed too!  It feels so much better to feel loving vs. frustrated all the time. He really is a good man and I wouldn’t want to lose him.  

When I talked to my husband I was calm and told him what I was going to do and that THIS marriage was over-either he got help or I was leaving.  He knew I wasn’t playing games.

After thinking about it for a few days he started meeting with Shari. He felt so comfortable talking with her and looked forward to their sessions. I could see a shift in him right away and our home is way more peaceful and fun. Please don’t wait to get coaching!

Drop the religious mindset, reconnect with yourself and find clarity—all from a powerful ‘love feels better’ mindset that will empower you to make the necessary changes in your marriage and life, ultimately resulting in the freedom you desire

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